Daily Prayer for September 26, 2018

Jesus, You seek to comfort me, You gently call my name and ask me to turn to You, to gaze upon Your Cross of Love.


I worry about the danger and the lurking possibilities of how all could go awry.

Fear fills my heart. I reach to control an uncertain situation.

You seek to comfort me, You gently call my name and ask me to turn to You, to gaze upon Your Cross of Love.

You speak to my heart, “My plans will not be thwarted.”

In Your promise to me, my heart finds rest. I know whatever happens, Your Will shall be done.

I have given myself to You. You are in control of my every step, my every breath.

I no longer fear the outcome.

I walk into the unknown unafraid, for You are my King, my Savior, my God.

I trust completely in You, for You will take care of my every need.

Amen, my Jesus, amen.

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