Celebrating Spiritual Motherhood

Each year on Mother’s Day, the priest asks for all mothers to stand for a (well-deserved!) blessing, and each year, at this moment, a piece of my heart breaks. It has always called to mind a yearning I have for a child of my own. My burning question to God has always been, “Why would you give me the desire to have children, when I am unable to have them?”

As this Mother’s Day rolls around, something is different. John and I are still without children, but I see my desire to be a mother, by God’s grace, is being fulfilled.

Spiritual Motherhood

What I realize is God has indeed called me to be a mother. I am called to love those He’s put in my spiritual care – to nurture them, to put them before myself, to care for their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs, to love them completely and unconditionally, to pray for them, to protect them, and most importantly, to lead them to Jesus.

Reflecting on the past few months, I see the time I’ve spent with my parents, siblings, nephews, niece and godsons and provided extra support to John’s parents – all of which I would have had less freedom to do if I had children of my own.

Holding my godson and nephew, Bryce

God has also blessed me with ample time to spend in prayer. The fruit of this prayer are the reflections and prayers I write, which I hope spiritually nurture others and, by the grace of God, lead them to rest in His Heart.

Mary As My Model

In my encounters with Mary in prayer and through consecrating my life to her, I’ve learned more deeply about her special role in our lives – to lead us to Christ. Is this not also one of the most (if not the most) important roles parents have – raising their children to know and have a relationship with Jesus?

The more I seek to model my life after Mary, who pondered the Lord’s words in her heart and completely conformed her will to His, the more Jesus is fulfilling my desire to be a mother through those He has entrusted to my spiritual care.

I ask for prayers and guidance from my heavenly mother each day, so I may more perfectly nurture those in my spiritual care and lead them to Jesus. I know she desires to show all women how to be spiritual mothers, which is a gift and special purpose each woman has – whether she has children or not.

Celebrating My Gift

God has indeed blessed me with abundant ways to be a spiritual mother to others – through my godsons, nephews, niece, siblings, John’s parents, my parents, extended family, friends, acquaintances, and many, many more! I have found the more I seek to model my life after Mary, who pondered the Lord’s words in her heart and completely conformed her will to His, Jesus is fulfilling my desire to be a mother through those He has entrusted to my spiritual care.

There is a peace which fills my soul as I now understand God did not place a desire in my heart which would not be fulfilled. He is only fulfilling it in (abundant!) ways I didn’t expect.

What a glorious joy I experience today as I realize more fully this great gift of spiritual motherhood I’ve been given. This Mother’s Day is a beautiful Mother’s Day indeed!

May today be a celebration of all women and a day to celebrate the gift of Spiritual Motherhood. Remember to celebrate, pray for and thank all the spiritual mothers in your life who have lead you to a deeper relationship with Jesus.

My Spiritual Motherhood Prayer

My dear Jesus,
Thank you for healing the pain I have experienced from not having children of my own and filling the wound in my heart with Your Love.

You have opened my heart to see the abundant ways in which You have given me the gift of spiritual motherhood.

Thank you for showing me when I have loved deeply, sacrificed for others, supported them, and cared for them, just as I would have with children of my own.

Thank you for the peace you have given me to know my baby who was miscarried at an early stage is now with you. I know I will one day see my child again when I arrive to meet You face-to-face.

I am overcome with humility and joy as I see the many blessings I have received and how you’ve given me a role in building up Your Kingdom.

May Mary and Her Most Immaculate Heart wrap me in her love and help me to grow and embrace this gift of spiritual motherhood, for she knows You and Your will most intimately. I entrust myself to Mary, so she may lead me always to You.

May I strive each moment to live out Your will in total surrender to You, and may I rest eternally in Your Most Merciful and Healing Heart. Amen.


  1. So beautiful – I love that prayer, especially as a spiritual mother myself!

  2. Oh, Laura! This is absolutely beautiful, honest and healing to read… The Lord has entrusted you with a very special mission and He will reward your faithfulness to His Love. Count on my prayers!

  3. Thank you for reminding me that God often answers our prayers in unexpected ways. It may not be the way we want, but His ways are always good! Your testimony is heartfelt and beautiful <3

  4. Fouad Abou-Rizk

    Amen! This is such a nice post!

  5. Anna Marie

    Thank you for giving me some food for thought as I continue to struggle with childlessness.

    • Laura Durant

      Anna, thank you for sharing your heart. May you know just how much God loves you, with an infinite love that knows no bounds. In His Love, Laura

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