Friday, October 5, 2018
I pray that all of us may belong completely to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to live only with His life, love only with His love, act and suffer only according to His holy designs, letting Him act in us and do with us as He chooses…I hope you may be completely consumed in His love…I cannot help thinking that the longing I felt to send you this picture of the Sacred Heart came from His desire to establish His kingdom in your community and His reign of love in our hearts. The hearts, my dear Mother, which are in the crown of thorns which encircles this loving Heart are the ones that love It and follow It in suffering. Those in the crown of love-knots [Lacs d’amour] are the ones that love It with a joyous love. [An excerpt taken from the letter written to Mother Louise-Henriette de Soudeilles, at Moulins September 15, 1686]
Reflection: O my dear Jesus, my heart cries out to You — may I desire to love You with all I am and have, and honor You, and Your Most Adorable and Loving Sacred Heart.
It is in Your Heart I find the graces needed to endure the trials in this life — and to do so with joy! It is in Your Heart, I find the love with which to love You in return and all of humankind with a tender, compassionate and merciful love. It is in Your Heart, I find rest.
Transform my soul so I may be a beacon of Your Light to the world. May Your Pure Love flow through me, may Your Pure Joy be my strength to endure all of the suffering You bless me with to give Glory to Your name!
I surrender all of myself into Your Most Merciful and Healing Heart, Jesus! Cleanse my soul, heal my wounds, purify my attachments to the world that do not bring me closer to You. I desire to empty my heart of all that is not You, so You can fill it with all that You are!
Saint Margaret Mary, pray for us!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!