A Prayer for Financial Difficulties or Job Loss

Dealing with a job loss or financial difficulties can be extremely taxing emotionally and spiritually because of the grief, fear, and uncertainty we may experience. Where can we find peace in such times?

Faced with the realization we are not in control of our life, we come face-to-face with the truth that we never really were. The peace comes when we realize who is in control – Jesus, our Savior. He is the One who has always provided for us, and will again, if we put all of our trust in Him.

In putting our trust in Him, we can more easily become grateful for all the times He’s taken care of us. And, we can then more easily trust that He will take care of us in this time as well.

A Gratitude Prayer For Dealing with Financial Difficulties or Job Loss


My financial situation is uncertain, money is tight, and I fear I may be unable to afford shelter, food, or other necessities to live.

I turn to You now and thank You for all the times You have provided for me in the past. 

Help me look back on my life and thank You for all the times you provided what I needed for work, food, clothing, and all my other needs, whether that was just enough or in abundance. Help me see in those times how these were gifts from You and how You blessed me with them out of Your great love for me. 

Jesus, I thank You for all those gifts then, and I thank You now, because just as You loved me then, You love me now.

Thank You for the faith to know I only need to trust in You, and You alone.

Jesus, I place all my needs in Your Most Loving Heart, trusting You will provide for all I need, no more and no less. 

Help me to thank You when I ask for something and don’t receive it, and trust in You that I didn’t need it after all.

Help me surrender my life and circumstances to You so I may live in the spiritual freedom that a child experiences, oblivious to any harm that could befall me, because I know without knowing that my God has taken care of all my needs. Amen.

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