Discernment Prayer for Important and Tough Decisions (For Individual or Group)

Sometimes when important or tough decisions need to be made that will impact our life in a significant way, it can be easy to lose focus, and we may end up taking our eyes off Jesus. This only serves to cause us anxiety, distress, and disquiet in our heart.

The what ifs begin piling up, and our thoughts begin swirling in what can seem like a downward spiral!

So how do we get back our peace of mind?

The answer, of course, is Jesus. The answer is to put our focus back on Him. To tell Him we desire what He desires — even if His desires may go against our own preferences or our ideas of what may be a right or wrong or best or worst decision.

If we truly desire what He desires in the depths of our hearts, He will not lead us astray. We just need to keep focused on Him.

Below are two prayers. The first is for individual discernment for an important decision you need to make. The second one is for a community, group, ministry, church, or even family decision that needs to be made; it’s a prayer you can pray as a group.

Surrender your decision to Jesus and Mary, trusting they will lead you to the answer that will give you peace in your heart and allow you to give glory to His name.

Individual Discernment Prayer

O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I give myself wholeheartedly to You. 

I hand over myself, my desires, my preferences, my talents, my gifts, my blessings, my fears, my concerns, what I feel I want and don’t want, what I feel would be best, any need for control I struggle with, any area of lukewarmness in my love for You, every part of my heart that is wounded and leads me in any way from You — I hand this all over to You.

Jesus and Mary, You know my heart and my desire to serve You. Make room in my heart to hear what Your desire is for this decision that needs to be made.

Give me peace with Your desire and only Your desire, no matter what it might cost me or what sacrifices it may require, so that in following Your will, my life may bear the fruit You desire and bring glory to You that mirrors the choirs of heaven’s angels. 

Amen, Jesus, I am Yours.

Group Discernment Prayer

O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we give ourselves wholeheartedly to You. 

We hand over ourselves, our desires, our preferences, our talents, our gifts, our blessings, our fears, our concerns, what we feel we want and don’t want, what we feel would be best, any need for control we struggle with, any area of lukewarmness in our love for You, every part of our heart that is wounded and leads us in any way from You — we hand this all over to You.

Jesus, You know our hearts and our desire to serve You. Make room in our hearts to hear what Your desire is for ourselves and for our [community, ministry, group, church, family, etc.] in the decisions that need to be made today.

Give us peace with Your desire and only Your desire, no matter what it might cost us or what sacrifices it may require, so that each of us individually and together as a community may bear the fruit You desire and bring glory to You that mirrors the choirs of heaven’s angels. 

Amen, Jesus, we are Yours.

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