“Let Me act.” This was the message that Jesus put on my heart today.
As I was praying the Joyful mysteries of the rosary, meditating on Mary’s fiat to God, I knew I must bring Him all the situations and people that were bringing up anxiety in my heart this morning.
I told Him I was afraid and that I didn’t know if I could handle these situations or handle interacting with these people.
I knew it was His will that I continue the path I am on, and that this path would mean I would have to go through these situations and interact with these people.
Somehow, though, every time I thought of these situations, it felt overwhelming and fear gripped my heart.
Then, out of nowhere as I finished the first mystery of the rosary, He placed these words on my heart, “Let Me act.”
A great sense of peace came over me — not because God was saying I didn’t have to go through these situations or interact with these people, but because when I did, He wanted me to let Him act through me.
And I know while some of these fears about these situations may come true, such as being rejected or looked down upon, I also know Jesus knows better than anyone else how to handle these experiences — all I need to do is to turn to Him and meditate on His Passion.
Plus, as a follower of Jesus, I know I can live with peace regardless of whether I’m accepted or rejected by others in this life, because I’m already completely accepted and loved by the One that truly matters.
I’ll be honest that I moved between fear and peace throughout the rest of the rosary I prayed this morning. Even so, as I continue on with my day, I am constantly reminded of His message to my heart, “Let Me act,” each time fears rise up in me.
And each time I recall these words, I rest knowing He will take care of all. I only need to live in the moment, do as His peace guides me, and Let Him act.
Reflection Question
What situations are causing you anxiety today? Bring your fears to Jesus. Could it be Jesus wants to speak your heart as well, “Let Me act“?
There is much I have to do this week, some of which brings me great anxiety.
“I will take care of it,” You whisper to my heart. Your peace fills my being. I breathe deeply and rest in You.
Jesus, I will trust in You.
There is much coming up in the next few months and my mind tends towards thoughts of fear that it will be too much, I won’t be able to handle it all, and I will fail.
“Rest in Me,” Your voice calms my soul. I rest in You and I know all will be well.
Nothing You ask of me will be too much if I trust in You.
Nothing You lead me to will be something I can’t handle if I abandon myself to You.
Failure is in the eye of the beholder, and when I look upon You, I see whatever the outcome of my earthly endeavors, You have already won my heart, You have already secured my soul for You alone.
Amen, Jesus, You have won victory over all — I experience heavenly peace knowing I am Yours.