Friday, September 7, 2018
His loving goodness has never been more gracious to me in sending so many different kinds of crosses. If only I could explain them to you, my good Mother, you would understand how much I need the help of your holy prayers! I beg them of you with all my heart, so that He may not abandon me to the power of my enemies, as my sins constantly force Him to do. For I see nothing in myself but what is capable of drawing His wrath upon me, although in His mercy He makes me feel an imperturbable peace. He never ceases to shower His graces abundantly on one so poor and miserable. Help me to thank Him, for I am powerless to do any good. It is true, dear Mother, that I always feel a great desire to love Him, but I well know that I do not love Him because I love myself too much. I am determined, nevertheless, to give up everything to acquire this love. His Sacred Heart is constantly urging me to do that, and often nails me to the cross, stripped of everything. [Letter written to Mother de Saumaise, at Dijon [July 20, 1686]
Reflection: Jesus, my heart cries out to You for mercy! For so many times I put myself and my earthly desires above Your will for my life. Help me to desire, as St. Margaret Mary did, to love You above all that is, to be so very grateful for the many crosses You bless me with and to desire to give up everything so as to be united with You!
My heart yearns for union with You. My soul burns with a great desire for Your Holy Love. Abandon me not to myself and my sins, but protect me from the evil one and hold me close to Your Most Sacred Heart.
There is no greater blessing from You than that of being united to You on the Cross. There is no greater joy than to share in the suffering of Your Passion so many souls will be saved. Purify my desires, cleanse my soul of all that is not of You. Lead me to the place of Peace, Joy and Eternal Love — Your Heart, my Jesus, Your Most Merciful, Loving and Healing Heart.
I beg of You, bestow Your blessings of crosses upon me, for in doing so, You rescue me from this world, so I may rest in Your Heart forever.
Amen, my Jesus, amen.