Daily Prayer for June 26, 2018

Jesus, let nothing keep me from my desire to rest in Your Heart always and from spending eternity with You.

My dear Jesus,
I know my only focus, my only concern should be on my eternal home, my final resting place.
My desire to spend forever with You should rule in my heart.
The cares, problems and troubles of the world only distract me from my sole focus on You.
I surrender all my earthly concerns to You, as I know You already have all taken care of.
Whether it be my physical, emotional, or mental health, my work, my family, my friends, my temporal needs – You have already provided for or held back where necessary for my eternal salvation.
Grant only my requests and prayers which will allow me to rest in Your Heart always and which will lead me to be united to You in every way – for this is my greatest prayer, my greatest desire!
Fill me with Your peace.
Where I can console Your Heart, I accept all suffering You grant me.
Give me the realization of Your hand in all the good and blessings that come my way. In return, I hand over my life to You; may I always live with a spirit of humility, devoid of pride and self-love.
I beg of You, Jesus, let nothing keep me from my desire to rest in Your Heart always and from spending eternity with You.
Amen, my Jesus, amen.

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