Are you feeling the call to make a change in your life? Maybe a small one? Or maybe a big one? Does the change Jesus is asking you to make involve leaving behind something big, something you enjoy, something important to you? Is this new area Jesus is leading you into foreign, unclear, and leave you without certainty of what will happen next, and therefore, at times, very scary? Do not be afraid!
Know there may be days and nights that you yearn for those things which you leave behind for Jesus. You knew that part of your life, You understood it. Now, however, it’s as if you don’t know what will happen next! You only know You desire Jesus. You may question, “Am I doing the right thing?” Please rest in knowing, if you experience God’s peace with what He is asking You to do, you will know, deep in your soul, you are. And have faith, for Jesus will be patient with you as you learn to leave these things behind.
Ultimately, you will find, life is meaningless unless you follow Him and rest in His Heart. In His Heart, all makes sense. In His Heart, you will find eternal peace.
If you struggle with needing to be in control and having to know all the answers, do not fear. None of that matters when you rest in His Heart. You will find all you need is Jesus.
If there is something in particular which is causing you great anxiety and worry about these changes He is asking you to make, rest in His Heart. You will see it is nothing but a speck of dirt He will gently wipe from your eyes so you can see Him clearer.
As you seek to understand more about this change Jesus is asking you to make, spend time gazing upon Jesus on the cross. Reflect upon the sacrifice He made. You will come to understand deeply how He defeated sin, evil and death. Then, you will no longer be afraid of what He is asking you to do. You will not fear what will happen next. You will know He is in control and that you only need to desire Him and His Will for your life.
Seek to remain in His Heart always.
Gentle is His love.
His mercy has no end.
This would make a great message for those who are going through our parish Alpha right now. Many of them are finding that they are considering making big changes.