New Book Coming Soon!

Has your heart been wounded? Have you struggled with feelings of shame and rejection?
Then perhaps you will find you have something in common with the Samaritan woman.
Jesus reached out to her knowing all she had been through and all she had done. He led her to the truth of who she was – a beloved daughter of God – so she could proclaim the truth of who He is: the Messiah, the Son of God.
She experienced the purifying love of His Most Sacred Heart. Healed by His mercy, she left her woundedness and sins behind. Then, she ran to the very people who had hurt and rejected her so she could lead them to the One who would heal them, too.
That is healing only the Messiah, the Son of God, can give.
Do you yearn for this healing too?
In these prayerful reflections, journey with the Samaritan woman as she engages with Jesus. Notice His gentle and tender love toward her as she moves through this process. Experience how He heals her wounded heart.
This new book of prayerful reflections should be available very soon! Please email Laura at if you’d like to know when this book is available. Please include your name and preferred contact information in the email.