A mother’s love knows no bounds, and what she wouldn’t do to comfort her child in need doesn’t either.
No mother’s love is greater than that of Our Blessed Mother, Mary. She wants nothing more than to wrap us in her arms and bring us to the Heart of Jesus.
As the mother of us all, she wants to be there for each one of us. And I believe she has a very special love for mothers, especially those whose children are suffering, because whose child suffered more that hers?
This prayer is for all mothers who have children who are struggling for one reason or another and cannot be there for them in person. If this is you, may Mary hold them close and comfort them until the day when you can embrace them in person again.
Versions of this prayer have been provided for both a daughter and a son below.
A Mother’s Prayer to Mary for Her Daughter
Mary, my mother, my queen, I place in your loving arms my daughter, ___________ (daughter’s name), and all her fears, her sadness, her worries, her anxiety, her fatigue, and her pain.
Mary, I entrust you with _____________ and know you know just what she needs and when she needs it. You know just how she needs to be consoled and comforted.
Even though I am her earthly mother and know her the way only a mother could, you know her and what she needs even more than I do.
Mary, you are the mother of Jesus, the mother of Our God and King. Anything you ask of Him, He will grant, because your will and your heart are perfectly united with His. Mary, bring my dear daughter to Jesus. Ask Him to watch over her with care.
Mary, I cannot comfort or console her with my arms now as I so dearly wish I could, so I ask that you wrap her in your arms now and hold her close tonight as she sleeps.
May she experience the tender love of your maternal and Immaculate Heart, the fierceness and courageous protection of a mother who will never abandon her child, and the gentleness of your sweet kiss upon her forehead as you lay her down to sleep.
And Mary, finally, I ask that you be a mother to me as well. You know better than any woman what it means to suffer for her child, to yearn to take away their pain, but to be unable to physically hold them and console their aching heart. You know my worries and fears, and how I lie awake at night and find myself in the day worrying about this child entrusted to my care by Our Heavenly Father. You know my maternal heart, Mary, more than any woman ever could.
Mary, my mother, my queen, wrap me in your arms now and hold me close tonight as I sleep. Mary, bring me to Jesus. Ask Him to watch over me with care.
Allow me to experience the tender love of your maternal and Immaculate Heart, the fierceness and courageous protection of a mother who will never abandon her child, and the gentleness of your sweet kiss upon my forehead as you lay me down to sleep.
Mary, may your Most Immaculate Heart be my refuge always. Amen.
A Mother’s Prayer to Mary for Her Son
Mary, my mother, my queen, I place in your loving arms my son, ___________ (son’s name), and all his fears, his sadness, his worries, his anxiety, his fatigue, and his pain.
Mary, I entrust you with _____________ and know you know just what he needs and when he needs it. You know just how he needs to be consoled and comforted.
Even though I am his earthly mother, and know him the way only a mother could, you know him and what he needs even more than I do.
Mary, you are the mother of Jesus, the mother of Our God and King. Anything you ask of Him, He will grant, because your will and your heart are perfectly united with His. Mary, bring my dear son to Jesus. Ask Him to watch over him with care.
Mary, I cannot comfort or console him with my arms now as I so dearly wish I could, so I ask that you wrap him in your arms now and hold him close tonight as he sleeps.
May he experience the tender love of your maternal and Immaculate Heart, the fierceness and courageous protection of a mother who will never abandon her child, and the gentleness of your sweet kiss upon his forehead as you lay him down to sleep.
And Mary, finally, I ask that you be a mother to me as well. You know better than any woman what it means to suffer for her child, to yearn to take away their pain, but to be unable to physically hold them and console their aching heart. You know my worries and fears, and how I lie awake at night and find myself in the day worrying about this child entrusted to my care by Our Heavenly Father. You know my maternal heart, Mary, more than any woman ever could.
Mary, my mother, my queen, wrap me in your arms now and hold me close tonight as I sleep. Mary, bring me to Jesus. Ask Him to watch over me with care.
Allow me to experience the tender love of your maternal and Immaculate Heart, the fierceness and courageous protection of a mother who will never abandon her child, and the gentleness of your sweet kiss upon my forehead as you lay me down to sleep.
Mary, may your Most Immaculate Heart be my refuge always. Amen.