I have found no greater relief from my anxiety than when I surrender it to Jesus. I realize in that moment of surrender that I am not in control, but He is. How glorious this release of all my worries and anxieties into His hands truly is!
So, in an effort to relieve our anxiety and remind ourselves who is in control during this uncertain time, let us surrender to Jesus our anxiety, as well as all that is involved in this trial related to the coronavirus. Jesus so deeply desires to comfort our fearful and aching hearts.
Surrender Reflection Prayer for Anxiety Related to the Coronavirus
The following is a comprehensive reflection prayer that is meant to be read slowly and prayerfully. After each line, take a moment and imagine yourself handing over and surrendering to the Heart of Jesus each particular person or request mentioned.
It is a long prayer, so you might want to set aside some time to prayerfully read through it. While the length of this reflection prayer is long, it is intentionally so. It will require you to focus for a longer period of time on surrendering your anxieties to Jesus than just a short prayer would do. However, the benefits will be realized through your awareness of how you have truly surrendered everything to Jesus!
Let us begin this prayer:
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Jesus, I surrender myself, my family, and the whole world, especially all those affected by the coronavirus, to You at this time.
Jesus, I surrender to You the seriously and critically ill, that You may surround them with Your healing peace.
Jesus, I surrender to You the elderly and those with health conditions that lower their immunity; may they be comforted by Your love.
Jesus, I surrender to You those who are asymptomatic or mildly ill, that they may experience Your inspiration, guidance, and understanding and live in obedience to Your Divine Will so they may love others and live in such a way that reduces the spread of disease where possible.
Jesus, I surrender to You the healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, and caretakers of all those who are ill, that they may be restored in Your strength.
Jesus, I surrender to You all local, state, national, and world leaders and decision makers, that they may seek You first when making decisions, and that their goal may be to protect the common good of all.
Jesus, I surrender to You all the shepherds of our Holy Mother Church, that they may be led by the Holy Spirit and be under the protection of Our Lady and St. Joseph as they guide and protect Your flock and lead us to the security and refuge of Your Most Sacred Heart.
Jesus, I surrender to You those who are well, that they may give themselves wholeheartedly to You and be guided by the Holy Spirit to be loving and generous to all, spreading Your love in abundance during these uncertain times.
Jesus, I surrender to You all the children of this world, who certainly feel the anxiety in the air even though they do not understand it, that they may know the comfort and peace of being held in Your arms and cared for by the Most High King.
Jesus, I surrender to You the anxious and those fearful of an uncertain future, that Your peace may pervade their soul and they may turn to You in each moment.
Jesus, I surrender to You those working to find a cure and treatment, that they be guided by Your knowledge, wisdom,
Jesus, I surrender to You military, police, firefighters, safety personnel, and all those seeking to protect the common good of all, that they are also protected and able to lead with Your justice and mercy.
Jesus, help us respond to the requests and policies of our leaders with trust that they are doing what’s in the best interest of all and help us to act with obedience, patience, and kindness, entrusting them all to You.
Jesus, I surrender to You all of those who have much, that they may be inspired to give and help those who do not.
Jesus, I surrender to You all the poor, unemployed, and underemployed, and those who without work cannot provide for their family’s needs, that their trust and surrender to You may be a sign of Your love and fidelity to many, and that their needs may be cared for by the generosity of those who have more than enough.
Jesus, I surrender to You all hearts, that we respond to all with charity, generosity, and kindness in these uncertain and difficult times.
Jesus, I surrender to You the moments that I am treated poorly, that I may respond with love, kindness, mercy,
Jesus, I surrender into Your Heart my fear and those who are fearful. Fill us with the peace and calmness of knowing You are in control of all.
Jesus, I surrender to You all those with strong faith in You, that they may stay strong in their faith and be a light in the darkness of uncertainty and fear.
Jesus, I surrender to You all those who love You, but forget to speak Your name in times of trouble, that they may hear Your sweet gentle voice calling them now to turn to You.
Jesus, I surrender to You those who do not know You. Open their hearts, Jesus, and fill them with the peace beyond all understanding and work wonders in their life, so that they may confess You are the one, true, everlasting God.
Jesus, I surrender to You my family and friends; may they come to know You more deeply as the Lord of their life.
Jesus, I surrender to You everyone in the world, that in each moment all may grow in greater trust of You and Your Divine providential care.
Jesus, I also surrender to You the coronavirus. You are the Lord of all, and if You wish it to eradicate it, You will. But should You allow it to continue, I will continue to trust in You, Your Divine wisdom, and Your providential care.
Jesus, in the moments I forget You are in control and I start to get anxious, fill my heart with the desire to surrender myself to You and inspire me to do so again and again until I am overcome with Your Peace!
Jesus, I surrender to You my whole self–my mind, heart, body, and soul. I give You my every moment of my every day. I trust You will take care of all.
Jesus, I am Yours, completely, utterly, totally Yours. I surrender myself into Your Healing Heart of Love now and forever!
Mary, Mother of God, Mother of us all, pray for us!
St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, protector of Holy Mother Church, pray for us!
St. Michael the Archangel, protect us!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Jesus, fill our hearts with Your peace, heal the hearts full of fear and anxiety, bring all souls into Your Most Merciful Heart, work wonders and miracles that will bring the world to its knees in total adoration to You. May the blind of heart see You, may the deaf of heart hear Your voice calling their name, may the stony hearts that are hardened by the world, their wounds, and their sins be melted by the warm grace and mercy of overflowing love that comes from the flames of Your Most Sacred Heart. May the world come to know You as their Lord, their Savior, their God, and their King through this worldwide suffering. May Your peace reign in our hearts in each moment of every day until we finally rest in the joy of knowing all trust is found in You.
Amen, Jesus, I am all Yours.
Amen. Thanks for the beautiful prayer – Surrender Prayer For Anxiety Related To The Coronavirus.
Thank you, Cynthia! May you experience God’s abundant love for you today!