We live in a world that promotes the idea we should always be “happy.” However, what happens when we can’t be happy?
Maybe you have a chronic condition, or a major life event has knocked you off your feet (or both!)? Maybe there’s no reason at all and you just feel “down in the dumps.” Where do you turn? What do you do?
Sometimes we self-medicate or distract ourselves with TV or social media. Sometimes we try to sleep our sadness away. Maybe we eat unhealthy foods, drink alcohol, or use drugs to numb the pain.
Regardless of how we seek to distract ourselves, we will at some point have to face our reality.
Do not despair!
I have good news for you! There is no need to escape or distract yourself from your current state of unhappiness. There is hope right in front of you; there is solace to be found within you; there is love all around you!
All you need to do is to ask Jesus to show you. The following meditation exercise was written to help you see His blessings on your difficult days. Be sure to have a journal handy, as you may find it helpful to write down your experience of this time with Jesus.
Find a quiet place away from distractions. Close your eyes, and become aware of Jesus who is present with you always.
As you sit with Him, look back on the course of your day. Who did you encounter? What were the things you did today?
Ask Jesus to show you where He was present. Where did He provide you with His blessings? Were there times you needed direction or guidance, and it was provided? Were there times you felt despair or sadness, and something or someone provided comfort and consoled you?
How did you feel during those times Jesus helped you or provided comfort through people and things around you? How would you describe these feelings to others?
Now ask Jesus to show you how He used you to help others today. Ask Him to show you how He used you to provide help or comfort to someone (your child, spouse, sibling, parent, or friend)?
Ask Jesus to fill your heart with what they felt as you provided them this help or comfort.
If you feel it would be helpful, take some time to write down anything you wish to remember about your experience with Jesus today. These might be the feelings you experienced, the times you experienced Jesus’s love for you, and the times you saw Jesus’s love for others.
Jesus, thank You for showing me how You blessed me today through others and the world around me.
Thank You for showing me how You’ve used me to help others.
Let me rest in Your peace throughout the rest of my day and as I sleep tonight.
Thank-you & bless you.
God bless you as well, Kelley! May you be immersed in His Heart of love today!