Moving from Hurt, Resentment and Anger to Compassion (Downloadable Reflection)

The ability to forgive can be very difficult, and in some cases, seem impossible. But what if I told you that we hold the key to moving along the road of forgiveness more quickly and with true love and peace in our hearts? That key is the ability to develop compassion for the other.

To illustrate this point, think of a time when it was easier to forgive someone for being insensitive or hurtful because you knew what they were going through. Or think of a time when you could be empathetic towards someone who wronged you because you could truly understand their situation because you have been there before, and knew how your hardship affected your own ability to be kind, sensitive or loving. Forgiveness can be much harder to come by, however, when we do not understand another person’s suffering or aren’t aware of it. So how do we begin to find it easier to forgive the hurts, insults, and insensitivity of others when we aren’t privy to this information?

Fortunately, we are blessed, for we know who does know each and every heart that we come in contact with. This is Jesus. He knows us better than we know ourselves. And, He has the power to transform our hearts, so we exude compassion even when we are not aware of another’s woundedness and their suffering when they hurt us.

Experiencing God’s Compassion

This reflection first guides you to experience God’s compassion for yourself, as it is in doing this, we are able to experience God’s compassion for others. You are then guided to develop compassion for those that have hurt you.

To continue to read the rest of this reflection (which is an 8-page downloadable PDF), please click the button below. May you experience God’s abundant love for you today and rest in His Heart of Mercy, Peace, Healing and Love!


  1. Moving from the hurt into a place of compassion is so, so important! One way I do that is to pray for the other person – I look forward to checking out the rest of this reflection when I have the kids in bed. Thank you for sharing this resource!

    • Laura Durant

      Thank you so much for your comment, Anni. Yes, it’s interesting you mention that, as I’m being led to do another post exactly on this (praying for the other person)! 🙂 May you experience God’s abundant love for you today!

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