Daily Prayer for June 30, 2018

Jesus, You know my weaknesses and the passions my heart still clings to! Purify my heart so it is free to love with Your love alone.

My life is Yours, Jesus.
I don’t want to waste one second not doing Your will, I don’t want a moment to pass which could’ve been spent bringing more hearts to You.
Purify my heart, Jesus – transform it!
My only fear is stepping off the path You have laid for me, the one that leads straight to the summit and total union with You, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. Do not let me be deterred, do not let me stray – I beg of You, Jesus!
You know my weaknesses and the passions my heart still clings to! Purify my heart so it is free to love with Your love alone, so its only desire is to do Your will!
I desire no road other than the one that leads straight to You.
I am all Yours, Jesus, do with my life as You wish.

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