Daily Prayer for June 29, 2018

Jesus, I am amazed and humbled by Your blessings. You give them to me freely, because of Your great love for me.

My dear Jesus,
Even when I am unfaithful in my promises to You, You remain faithful in Your promises to me. You continue to take care of my every need.
I am amazed and humbled by Your blessings, for none of them I have earned, none of them do I have a claim to. You give them to me freely, because of Your great love for me.
How I wish I could repay you, but I know even my greatest efforts would never be able to repay You for even a drop of the blood you shed for me.
You look upon me with Your love, shower me with Your healing mercy, and ask me to receive Your love as the unconditional, freely given gift that it is. The joy it brings You when a soul such as mine accepts Your love and mercy is great. No longer will I deny You the joy of showering Your love and mercy upon me!
In Your name, Jesus, I renounce the spirit of pride, and hand myself over to You to transform, heal and perfect in the image and likeness I was created, in the image and likeness of God.
Let the heights of holiness be my only goal, let union with You, the Father and Holy Spirit be my only desire.
Amen, my Jesus, amen.

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