Daily Prayer for June 27, 2018

Jesus, it is in Your Heart, I find true freedom. Let me reside there forever and always.

My dear Jesus,
Your Heart showers forth Your rays of love on humankind and cleanses all who wish to receive Your mercy.
Oh, how Your Heart aches when those You wish to heal deny Your mercy and love and seek it in the temptations of the world. How many times have I denied Your mercy, only to feed the spirit of pride in myself by seeking the approval and admiration of those around me? How miserable I became, my life was filled with anxiety!
Thank you for the experience of Your love and mercy. Thank You for the healing grace of realizing You are all I need.
It is Your love that satisfies my longing for unconditional love – for Your love is only what can fill the desires of my heart. For then I am free to love and accept all that comes my way, no longer dependent on the approval of others.
It is in Your Heart I know I am loved regardless of my successes or failures, my imperfections, when I am able to trust in You or when I fail in doing so.
It is in realizing that all I need to do is look upon You, to focus only on loving You, that I will become the perfect creation God created me to be – not perfect in worldly ways, but in heavenly ways, not successful in worldly achievements, but in ascending the mountain to the heights of holiness, where union with the Trinity is my only desire.
It is in Your Heart, I find true freedom. Let me reside there forever and always.
Amen, my Jesus, amen.

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