Friday, April 6, 2018
He is more precious than all His gifts. But of these gifts that of His pure love surpasses all the others. It alone should take possession of us, make us work and make us suffer. For it never lets a heart rest. Let us surrender ourselves to its ardor, so that we may love Him with our whole being. Everything must be subservient to that, everything bend and yield before this holy love. [Letter written to Mother de Saumaise, at Dijon 1683]
Reflection: My dear Jesus, may You bless me with the grace to surrender all to You! Your love, as St. Margaret Mary so beautifully writes, is the greatest of all gifts. It provides us with the strength we need when we feel we can no longer continue. Your love gives us the fortitude to withstand the storms of this life. May we live and breathe only Your love all the days of our lives. May we surrender every moment to Your Holy Love!
Jesus, I ask for the grace to know what it means to truly love You at all cost. I no longer desire to hold any part of myself back. I know with Your Holy Love, there is no need to fear suffering, no need to fear death. For if we love You as the saints do, death will be welcomed, for it will mean eternal life with You, wholly immersed in Your Heart.
Oh my dear Jesus, immerse me fully in Your Heart now, though I do not deserve it! For I cannot do anything without Your grace! And if in Your mercy, what You bestow on me is the strength to suffer greatly, then I will consider myself greatly blessed! Let it be done as You will it, so many hearts will come to You when they see how You have saved a sinful soul such as myself!
This is a beautiful little prayer and reflection. A wonderful pause in my morning!
Thank you, Laura!
Your reflections are so beautiful!
Thank you, Fouad!