Jesus, I will seek first Your Most Sacred Heart. For it is where I will find rest.
When I am afraid, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I am fearful of the future, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel the anxiety that wells up in my chest and I feel as though I cannot breathe, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel afraid of dying, I will seek first Your Heart.
When my mind races, I will seek first Your Heart.
When the sadness becomes too much to bear, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel I no longer matter and want to give up on life, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I cannot see through the tunnel of darkness and despair to the other side, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I cannot forget the past, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I cannot forgive someone who’s hurt me, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I sin, in whatever way, no matter how big or small, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel overwhelmed and overcome with the endless list of things to be done, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I’m exhausted from working all day and come home still needing to feed my family and take care of their needs, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I don’t feel I can be patient or kind, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel unappreciated or overlooked, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel lonely and forgotten, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel weak and feeble from illness or chronic pain, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel rage and uncontrollable anger, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel I can only see the negative in someone or a situation, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel I have lost my way, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I have lost all material things, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I have lost the love of my life, my child, my spouse, my sibling, my parent, my beloved family member or friend, my beloved family pet, I will seek first Your Heart.
When those I love are in pain, whether spiritual, emotional or physical, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel I am in spiritual desolation, I will seek first Your Heart.
When tragedy strikes and I cannot fathom how such horrible things can happen, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel I am being spiritually attacked, I will seek first Your Heart.
When I feel all hope is lost, I will run to Your Most Sacred Heart where endless mercy and love abounds!
May Mary, and Her Most Immaculate Heart, be our Protector and Guide to Your Most Sacred Heart, where we find the infinite peace, love, and mercy we desire within the depths of our soul. Jesus, You are my Savior, the reason I exist. You created me from the love of Your Most Sacred Heart, to love with Your Heart. May I live the rest of my life in total devotion to You.