Jesus Desires To Heal Our Wounds With His Heart

Jesus desires to heal the world with His Most Sacred Heart. He desires to purify the wounds of our hearts with the flames of His Most Healing Heart. The wounds that cause us to sin, to harbor hatred, anger, and rage, the wounds that turn into depression and anxiety, the wounds that cause racism and prejudice, the wounds that demand revenge over mercy, and the wounds that develop into sins of jealousy, vanity and the most destructive sin of pride.

While Jesus desires to heal our wounds more than we could ever imagine, in His love for us, He will not force this healing upon us. He desires we come to Him freely, openly and without reserve. For it is then He can provide the greatest healing He so desires to give.

Shall we wait a second longer to receive this healing? Shall we deny our Savior what He desires so much? His Heart yearns to surround us with His love and compassion. Let us turn to Him, completely surrender ourselves to Him and never more depart from His Heart.

A Prayer to The Healing Heart of Jesus to Heal the Wounds of Our Heart

Jesus, I come to You with the desire to completely entrust every part of my heart and all its wounds that cause me to sin over to You to be healed by Your Most Healing and Sacred Heart.

I give to you my sadness, despair and hopelessness; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart.
I give to you my fear, anxiety and panic; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart and give me peace.
I give to you my anger and rage; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart.
I give to you my thoughts, words and actions that are racist, prejudicial and discriminatory; Jesus, purify my wounds with Your Heart.
I give to You my desire for revenge and retribution; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart and let me leave justice to You.
I give to you my jealousy and envy of others; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart.
I give to you my struggle with the need to be perfect and the need to receive praise and approval from others; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart.
I give to you my tendency to look down on others and speak ill of others in their absence; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart and help me to see each person for who they are — a beloved child of God.
I give to you any doubts I have of Your mercy, forgiveness and unconditional love for me; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart.
I give to you any lack of faith I have in Your mercy, love and forgiveness for others or your ability to transform even the most hardened hearts; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart and shatter any doubts I have of Your mercy for even the greatest of sinners.
I give to you, most of all, and completely without holding back, my pride, the sin of greatest destruction; Jesus, heal my wounds with Your Heart and destroy the sin of pride in me so my heart is totally open to love with the love of Your Most Sacred Heart.

May Mary, and Her Most Immaculate Heart, surround me with Her loving arms of compassion and be my protector and guide to Your Most Sacred Heart always. And may I surrender all that I am and have to You, Jesus, in every moment and always and forever rest in Your Most Healing Sacred Heart.


  1. Such a great message we could all hear a little more! ♡

  2. Beautiful prayer! Saving for sure.

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